2월 24, 2025


지상에서 한국의 최신 개발 상황을 파악하세요

보이스 코리아 2020 년 여름 일정

보이스 코리아 2020 년 여름 일정

북한의 국제 단파 방송국 ‘Voice of Korea (조선 for)’의 단파 차트를 올린 지 오래되었습니다. 단파 라디오를 찾는 사람들의 수가 감소 함에도 불구하고 방송국은 항상 그랬던 것처럼 방송을 계속하고 있습니다.

영어, 프랑스어, 스페인어, 아랍어, 독일어, 중국어, 일본어 및 러시아어로 된 매일 방송을 아래 나열된 주파수로들을 수 있습니다. 쇼 영상은 보이스 오브 코리아 웹 사이트에서도보실 수 있습니다. www.vok.rep.kp 그러나 전체 프로그램이 업로드되거나 스트리밍되지 않았습니다.

방송은 매일 동일한 기본 순서를 따릅니다.

: 00 개통 신호, 역표 : “이것은 한국의 목소리”
: 01 국가
: 03 김 장군 칭의 노래
: 06 김정은 장군의 노래
: 09 뉴스, 사설 (약 15 분, 전체 방송으로 연장 될 수 있음),이어서 음악
: 30 세기 위대한 지도자 김일성 대통령의 회상 또는 기타 역사적 사건
: 40 가지 음악 및 기능
: 50 사설, 특별 뉴스 (비정기)
: 55 주파수 정보
: 57 닫기

각 방송의 뉴스는 일반적으로 한국에서 하루에 한 번 업데이트되며 대본은 영어 이야기의 텍스트를 밀접하게 따릅니다. KCNA 약간의 편집으로. 해외 서비스에 대한 뉴스는 보통 KCNA보다 하루 뒤쳐져 서 지난 10 년 동안 방송 사용이 줄었습니다.

한국의 소리 전체 표는 아래에 나열되어 있으며 베를린의 Arnold Byrontek이 제공했습니다.

이 표는 GMT (UTC), 언어, 주파수 (kHz) 및 방송 대상 지역을 보여줍니다. 한국어 프로그램은 현지 중앙 방송 공사 (KCPS)에서 제공합니다.

먼저 일정을 잡은 다음 언어별로 정렬합니다.

0300 in Chinese on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0300 in Spanish on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0400 in English on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0400 in English on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0400 in French on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia

0500 in Chinese on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0500 in English on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0500 in Spanish on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0600 in Chinese on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0600 in English on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0600 in French on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0700 in Japanese on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
0700 in Russian on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0700 in Russian on 13760, 15245 to Europe

0800 in Chinese on 7220, 9445 to Northeast Asia
0800 in Japanese on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
0800 in Russian on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0800 in Russian on 13760, 15245 to Europe

0900 in Japanese on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
0900 in Korean (KCBS) on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China

1000 in English on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America
1000 in English on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1000 in Japanese on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan

1100 in Chinese on 7220, 9445 to China
1100 in French on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America
1100 in French on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1100 in Japanese on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan

1200 in Japanese on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
1200 in Korean (KCBS) on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1200 in Korean (KCBS) on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America

1300 in Chinese on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1300 in English 9435, 11710 to North America
1300 in English on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe

1400 in French on 9435, 11710 to North America
1400 in French on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1400 in Korean (KCBS) on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1400 in Russian on 9425, 12015 to Europe

1500 in Arabic on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1500 in English on 9435, 11710 to North America
1500 in English on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1500 in Russian on 9425, 12015 to Europe

1600 in English on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1600 in French on 9435, 11710 to North America
1600 in French on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1600 in German on 9425, 12015 to Western Europe

1700 in Arabic on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1700 in Korean (KCBS) on 9435, 11710 to North America
1700 in Korean (KCBS) on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1700 in Russian on 9425, 12015 to Europe

1800 in English on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1800 in French on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1800 in French on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1800 in German on 9425, 12015 to Europe

1900 in English on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1900 in English on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1900 in German on 9425, 12015 to Europe
1900 in Spanish on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe

2000 in French on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
2000 in Korean (KCBS) on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
2000 in Korean (KCBS) on 9425, 12015 to Europe
2000 in Korean (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa

2100 in Chinese on 7235, 9445 to Northeast Asia
2100 in Chinese on 9875, 11635 to China
2100 in English on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
2100 in Japanese on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan

2200 in Chinese on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2200 in Chinese on 9875, 11635 to China
2200 in Japanese on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
2200 in Spanish on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe

2300 in Japanese on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
2300 in Korean (KCBS) on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2300 in Korean (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to China
2300 in Korean (KCBS) on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1500 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1700 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa

0300 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0500 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast China
0600 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0800 on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China
1100 on 7220, 9445 to China
1300 on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
2100 on 7235, 9445 to Northeast Asia
2100 on 9875, 11635 to China
2200 on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2200 on 9875, 11635 to China

0400 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0400 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0500 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0600 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
1000 on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America
1000 on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1300 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1300 on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1500 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1500 on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1600 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1800 on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe
1900 on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1900 on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2100 on 13760, 15245 to Western Europe

0400 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0600 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
1100 on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America
1100 on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1400 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1400 on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe
1600 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1600 on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe
1800 on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1800 on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2000 on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe

1600 on 9425, 12015 to Western Europe
1800 on 9425, 12015 to Europe
1900 on 9425, 12015 to Europe

0700 on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
0800 on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
0900 on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
1000 on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
1100 on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
1200 on 621, 6070, 9650, 11865 to Japan
2100 on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
2200 on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan
2300 on 621, 9650, 11865 to Japan

0900 (KCBS) on 7220, 9445 to Northeast Asia
1200 (KCBS) on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1200 (KCBS) on 11710, 15180 to Central & South America
1400 (KCBS) on 11735, 13650 to Southeast Asia
1700 (KCBS) on 9435, 11710 to North America
1700 (KCBS) on 13760, 12015 to Western Europe
2000 (KCBS) on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
2000 (KCBS) on 9425, 12015 to Europe
2000 (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2300 (KCBS) on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2300 (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to China
2300 (KCBS) on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe

0700 on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0700 on 13760, 15245 to Europe
0800 on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0800 on 13760, 15245 to Europe
1400 on 9425, 12015 to Europe
1500 on 9425, 12015 to Europe
1700 on 9425, 12015 to Europe

0300 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0500 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
1900 on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe
2200 on 13760, 15425 to Western Europe

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